Go Big or Go Bust: Blizzard Watch NYC

The Blizzard was more than enough of a distraction to keep me away from getting down to brass tacks this weekend and finishing up the pitch.

Unfortunately, I didn't have the presence of mind to ask Mr. Green to tape me "shoveling during the storm" - probably cause he was shoveling too. And it was snowing.

But when the Emergency Message sounded an alert on every cell phone in NYC announcing that all cars had to be off the streets ‘in one hour’, I couldn't resist throwing my shovel down to rush over to join the lines around the grocery store.

Back in the house, I was pinned to the only radio station worth listening to as it whipped me into a lather of excitement with the 1010 WINS “Traffic And Weather Together on the Ones”.  Except when I had to rush to the door to verify that we were actually getting the 2-3” per hour we were supposed to be getting.

And then, there was the morning after.

Round Two of the shoveling followed. (I wasn't aware until today that the muscles in my arm pits are the 'shoveling muscles'.) Mr. Green took a break to get a shot so you'll understand why I'm still not ready with my pitch. Hoping to have better news on Wednesday.

(Special bonus if you click the 'Like' button ... sort of like an early Valentine's Day ... )